What are the physiological functions of rare earths on plants?


rare earth

Research on the effects of rare earth elements on plant physiology has shown that rare earth elements can increase the content of chlorophyll and photosynthetic rate in crops; Significantly promote plant rooting and accelerate root growth; Strengthen the ion absorption activity and physiological function of roots, and affect the activity of plant nitrogen fixation and certain enzymes; It was found through atomic tracing that rare earth elements can promote the absorption and transportation of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium by plants. Rare earth elements can promote plant growth and development, and have a good effect on crop yield.


Rare earth elements have a significant promoting effect on plant seed germination. The appropriate concentration of rare earth solution to promote seed germination is 0.02-0.2 grams per kilogram (2 pounds). Rare earth elements can also promote plant growth, promote an increase in plant fresh weight and root fresh weight, and have a significant stimulating effect on the growth of wheat, rice, corn, and legumes at concentrations ranging from 5 to 100 ppm. At appropriate concentrations, they have an impact on the growth of plant roots, stems, and leaves, with the most obvious being an increase in leaf area. Rare earth elements have a special effect on plant rooting and root growth, and the optimal concentration for promoting rooting is 0.1-1ppm. Above this concentration, inhibition occurs. Rare earth promotes root growth mainly by promoting the occurrence of adventitious root, affecting cell differentiation and root morphogenesis. Adding rare earth elements to the root growth environment can promote the absorption of phosphorus by the root system. The optimal concentration for root absorption of phosphorus is 0.1~1. Oppm; It can also promote the absorption of nitrogen and potassium. Rare earth elements can enhance the physiological activity of roots, manifested by stimulating the exudation of root sap and enhancing enzyme activity in the roots. Rare earth elements are closely related to plant photosynthesis and can promote plant fixation of carbon dioxide photosynthesis, thereby improving photosynthesis efficiency. The experiment showed that the total amount of chlorophyll in the leaves of plants treated with rare earth increased, especially the amount of chlorophyll A, resulting in an increase in the chlorophyll A/B ratio.


In addition, foliar spraying of rare earth elements can also increase the activity of nitrate reductase in plants, significantly reducing the content of nitrate nitrogen in the body. The effect of rare earth elements on nitrogen fixation provided by soybean nodules is manifested in increasing the number of nodules and nitrogen fixation activity. Rare earth elements can also enhance the control ability of cytoplasmic nuclei to electrolyte leakage, thereby improving the plant's resistance to drought, salinity, and alkali.


Post time: May-24-2023